App Wants to Read or Write System Settings Meaning

  1. Tabular array of Contents:


    Background nearly Android
    Types of Dangerous Programs
    How to Protect Yourself
    The community


    This guide aims to provide the basic info most people want to know near the security of their phones, and when to download, and when non to download applications from the Android Market.

    It'southward my promise that this volition help people make more than informed decisions and be safe virtually their application usage, privacy, and information. It is my firm belief that Android is a fundamentally safe platform. With some common sense, diligence, and the correct noesis of the potential threats, users can rest assured and relish their devices more thoroughly.

    While most of these tips will employ to any of the new app stores and markets at present available for Android, this guide is written specifically for Google's original Android Marketplace.

    Besides, while this guide attempts to be as comprehensive as possible, there may be errors or misjudgments, or only opinions that are subjective. Please read it with the idea in mind that information technology's but a part of the information you may want to consider when downloading your apps.

    Deciding what to download is ultimately up to you, and that's the most important affair you'll need to remember.


    Notation: As of ii/21/2010 I became an Android developer. I wanted to postal service this in the interest of full disclosure. Yous can read more than about me, or my apps (Listables and BlueMuze),on my site: Lost Parcel Software

    Printer friendly & downloadable PDF: Lost Parcel Software

    App version w/ permission search: PocketPermissions


    This guide aims to provide the bones info nearly people want to know about the security of their phones, and when to download, and when not to download applications from the Android Market.

    It'southward my hope that this will help people make more informed decisions and be safe about their application usage, privacy, and data. Information technology is my business firm belief that Android is a fundamentally safe platform. With some common sense, diligence, and the right knowledge of the potential threats, users tin can balance bodacious and savour their devices more than thoroughly.
    While near of these tips will apply to whatever of the new app stores and markets now bachelor for Android, this guide is written specifically for Google's original Android Market.
    Also, while this guide attempts to be as comprehensive as possible, there may be errors or misjudgments, or merely opinions that are subjective. Please read it with the idea in mind that it'southward just a office of the data yous may want to consider when downloading your apps. Deciding what to download is ultimately up to you, and that's the most of import thing yous'll demand to retrieve.

    I am also an Android developer. I wanted to write this in the interest of full disclosure. You can read more near me or my apps (Listables and BlueMuze) on my site:
    You can also contact me through the Market or my website with any thoughts you take on this guide.

    Background about Android

    The commencement thing when understanding the security of your phone is to know a little bit about what makes it tick. Android is a 'calorie-free' version of Linux with most applications that you download from the marketplace written in Coffee.

    This is important to know because it means Android is very unlikely to ever get a 'virus' in the traditional sense. Function of the reason is because Linux is a fairly secure operating arrangement that protects various parts of itself from other parts. This is similar to how Windows has admin accounts and express user accounts. Because of this protection, applications downloaded from the marketplace practise not accept access to anything by default. Y'all must grant them permission for each action they want to perform when they are installed. This is a very important point which we volition address a chip later. Too due to some bad choices by Google, in that location are a few exceptions to this rule that we'll talk nearly in the permissions section.

    Nevertheless, while Android is very unlikely to get a 'virus', that does not mean you are completely safe from 'malware', 'spyware', or other harmful types of programs.


    The efficacy of anti-virus apps on Android is a controversial subject on even the best of days. Needless to say, there are some very differing opinions on the necessity of having anti-virus software protecting your telephone. Both sides of this contend accept some credible and respectable reasons for their choice, so I will try and nowadays both sides as objectively every bit I can. In total disclosure though, I personally do not use anti-virus on my phone. That'south a personal choice I fabricated. Plenty of security experts whom I respect practise chose to use anti-virus on their phones. And then ultimately this volition be a selection that is yours alone to make and non something where you should take cues from other people. That said, here are the pros and cons of each side as best as I know them.

    I thing to remember though, is that each side may accept some irrational or sensational arguments. These stem from either a sense of emotional justification or a vested interest in selling software. Put merely, neither side of the debate is above bad arguments and unintentional or intentional faulty logic.


    - Will protect yous from all past threats
    - May protect you from a time to come threat
    - Often tin have additional features for privacy and data protection
    - May have features to protect your telephone if it is lost or stolen


    - May waste matter organization resources similar bombardment and memory
    - It'south difficult to protect from time to come/unknown threats
    - Can potentially cause serious harm to the Bone (very rare merely not unheard of)
    - May provide a false sense of security and encourage risky behavior

    Types of Dangerous Programs

    The most common threats from Android applications are:

    1) When the app tricks the user into giving it permissions it does not need to do its job.

    2) When the app hides malicious code behind legitimate permissions.

    3) When the app tricks the user into entering in personal information or sensitive information (such as a credit card number).

    There are various means malicious developers (also known equally hackers or crackers) accomplish this. We'll briefly ascertain each kind just to have a common agreement of the terms.

    Malware more often than not is an all-encompassing term used to depict any harmful program. This includes spyware, viruses, and phishing scams. Sometimes the older term 'virus' is used in this context, but malware is now considered more than authentic.

    Spyware is used to draw software or applications that read your information and data without you really knowing it and reporting information technology dorsum to some unknown third party for nefarious purposes. Oftentimes this includes keystroke loggers to steal passwords or credit card information. Some people include certain types of Advertising tracking in this category (sometimes called Adware, see below). Nonetheless that's a much larger debate we wont comprehend here.


    Phishing and spyware are closely related. They work on a similar principle: tricking the user and sending user information to a third political party to steal it. The divergence with phishing withal, is that the application (or website) will pretend to be from a trusted source to effort and 'trick' y'all into entering in your details. Contrastingly, spyware would try to hide itself from being known to the user. One way to retrieve nearly the difference is that phishing is masquerading while spyware is hiding, but the end goal of stealing your data is the aforementioned.

    An example of this would be an app or website pretending to be affiliated with your banking company or Paypal or your e-mail provider (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo). However it can, and does, include any service where someone might desire to steal your identity or countersign.

    At that place have been known successful phishing attacks related to at to the lowest degree one bank on Android.

    The definition of virus used to exist more extensive. These days that term has been replaced by malware. Virus is more typically used to describe a specific blazon of software that takes command of your operating organisation and either damages it, or uses it for its ain purposes. An example might be when a virus sends emails to everyone in your email address volume. Again this is the type of program least likely to be a problem for Android.

    Trojan Horse
    A trojan equus caballus is really simply a specific blazon of virus. It simply refers to the idea that the app pretends to be something useful or helpful or fun for the user while actually causing harm or stealing data. This term is often used to draw spyware and phishing attacks every bit well.


    Adware is typically a fleck of a grey surface area. Sometimes this is also chosen nuisance-ware. This type of awarding volition often show the users an excessive amount of advertising in return for providing a service of dubious quality to the user. However, this type of program tin often be dislocated with legitimate advertising-supported software, which shows a mild to moderate corporeality of advertizing while providing a useful service that the user wants. Because it tin be hard to tell the deviation, in that location exists a grey expanse from most anti-virus companies as to how to handle adware.


    This is a term you'll sometimes hear referring to 'pirated' or unlicensed software. Oft warez forums and web sites will offering "free apps" or "apks" (Android Package).

    Don't be fooled by these sites, and exercise Non download these files and load them to your phone. These files are stolen from the real developers by unscrupulous people who accept no regard for the work put into apps by the developers, or the law. Often they will fifty-fifty try making money off of the advertising on their "warez" forums. They are profiteers that practise the entire Android community a great disservice, and hurt the developers. Furthermore, this is very often the near pop 'vector' (method) of attack that malware writers use. Some become equally far as stealing apps and putting them on the Android Market itself nether different names.

    If you are a user who cannot access the paid Android Marketplace, there are alternatives these days. The virtually trustworthy markets (in my opinion) are the post-obit:

    - Android (Google) Market
    - Amazon AppStore
    - SlideMe
    - Archos AppsLib
    - AndAppStore (perhaps)
    - Verizon's Marketplace (not sure if this is alive yet)
    - Motorola'south Market place (not sure if alive or where, might exist focused on Latin America)

    Other than these markets, I would not advise anyone to download and install an app from anywhere else.

    However at that place are a few exceptions related to open source. These are places that contained developers tin upload costless and/or open source apps. They don't guarantee your safety (nothing does) but they are not warez sites and are much more probable to be safe.

    Open source or complimentary apps: (very probable safety, not warez)
    - XDA Developers
    - Googlecode
    - GitHub

    How to check Permissions

    When you install an awarding the Market volition tell you all of the permissions information technology needs to role. These are important to read. Permissions can give you an idea if an application is request for more than than information technology needs to function properly. While some legitimate apps often inquire for more than permissions than they need, it should at to the lowest degree raise an eyebrow. Once again this is simply part of what you should consider when deciding if an application is safe and practiced quality.

    Note: in the latest version of the phone version of the Android Market the permissions are only shown afterward you click install. You will then be shown a screen with the list of permissions and an "Have and Download" button.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    To see the permission given to an application later installation follow these steps:
    one) Go to you phone'southward settings
    2) And so select "Applications" or "Manage Applications"iii) From at that place you should exist able to become to an Application's specific settings. You should run into buttons similar "clear data." To meet the permission you may demand to curl downward a bit

    How to Protect Yourself

    There are no total-proof ways to avert all bad situations in the world.Only, any sane person with a reasonable head on their shoulders knowsthat a few good habits can keep y'all safe for a long, long time inwhatever you do. Here are a few tips I have learned from many years as aprofessional software developer and from reading many Android forumsthat have many people smarter and more knowledgeable than I aboutAndroid.

    Read the comments in the Marketplace

    This should become without saying. Earlier you download whatever applications, besure to read the comments. Don't merely read the starting time three either, clickthrough and come across what people are saying. This tin also help youunderstand how well an app works on your item telephone (and yourparticular version of Android). Comments should too be read EVERY timeyou update an app.
    It'southward too of import to notation that bad apps tin can sometimes"game" the comments and ratings. There are some unsavoryservices that provide thousands of fake comments for apps and they areprobably more mutual than you think. See the department on TheCommunity for more on identifying these types of faux comments.

    Check the Rating

    Any app that fails to maintain higher up 2.5 stars is likely not worth yourtime. If y'all are brave plenty to be one of the commencement few to download anapp, this does not apply to you. Nevertheless, about all good apps havebetween 3 and 5 stars. To me, this is simply a general rule to assistdetect quality apps.

    Check the permissions

    There are many things an app can practise to, and for, your phone. Butanything an app can practise is told to you when yous download and install it.Before you lot download and install an app, you volition exist shown a list ofpermissions the application is requesting. Read them. Attempt yourbest to understand them in terms of what the application is supposed todo for y'all. For example, if you download a game of checkers, and theMarket warns you that it wants to be able to read your contacts, youshould call back twice and probably not download it. There is no sanereason a game of checkers needs to know your friend's phone numbers.

    In the Permissions section you can read a list of some of the mostcommonly used permissions. The listing explains how important they are,what they practise, and notes some examples of apps that might legitimatelyneed the permission. This should help you become a bones understanding ofwhat to allow, and when to skip, an app.

    Check the developer's website

    Brand certain the developer has a website and not just some web log. This isoften a good indication of quality as well as prophylactic. If the developercares nearly their app they will likely have a relatively nice lookingwebsite (or, if they are open up source, a site on Google Code or somethingsimilar). Note: sites on Google lawmaking are NOT verified or canonical byGoogle. However, open source is ordinarily (but not ever) morelikely to indicate a rubber application.

    Notation: This is not a definitive indicator if a developer is good or bad,just one more piece of information you tin can use. At that place are a lot ofexceptions to this particular rule, equally a lot of good developers mightnot have anything more than than a blog, and a lot of bad developers couldjust point to a nice looking site they accept no amalgamation with.However, the developer'southward website can be helpful just as an extra pieceof data you tin can use in making your decision most the developeror app.

    Updating applications is the same as installing them fresh

    Each time you lot update an application on your telephone, you should utilize thesame diligence as if you were installing it for the first time. Rereadthe permissions to see that it is but asking for what it needs and nomore. Reread the comments to see if annihilation has changed in the opinionsof the users and to see if it still works for your telephone. If you seethat an application says Update (manual) next to information technology, that means thedeveloper has changed the permissions that they are requesting. This isnot necessarily a bad thing -- but information technology should indicate that yous shouldpay a flake closer attention to the permissions and re-evaluate them asneeded.



    One of the things to retrieve when trying to keep yourself safe is to be very conscientious with public Wi-Fi. Whenever you connect to the internet through a public Wi-Fi, you should never apply any website that requires a password to sign into. The danger here is because you have no idea who is connecting you to the website. A good illustration would be like trying to post a letter to your friend by giving information technology to a stranger in the street. For more info read: Human-in-the-centre set on(Wikipedia). In that location is also a adventure that applications may be transmitting information in the background over that Wi-Fi connection about you without encrypting it. This is besides true of any applications over any internet connection still. And while there are some proficient ways to secure your phone, I personally don't employ whatever public Wi-Fi at all. This may be seen every bit farthermost in some circles, just I believe it to be safest road (although somewhat limiting).

    SD Cards

    There isn't much to say virtually SD cards except that all users should call back that they are not a safe identify to store personal information. This can be something as simple as a backup/export of your contacts.
    The reason the SD card is not prophylactic is that nearly all applications can read whatsoever file they want from the SD carte. Most personal info such as contacts is stored internally in protected databases however, then this shouldn't be a huge business concern for virtually people, but it'southward helpful to keep in mind.

    GPS and Network Location

    In that location is a lot of information online and in various books about why letting yourself be tracked has potential consequences. However, there are a lot of useful features that apps tin can provide with location tracking data. You should treat location tracking with care and exist certain to give it only to parties your trust. Google Maps would be a cracking example of this.

    Ad and location tracking

    In that location is a trade-off that some people will consider making with regards to location tracking. Some advertisers would like to have location information on you lot in order to show you local advertisements and coupons. In exchange, you get free employ of an app such as a game. This is a decision yous volition need to brand for yourself. I personally would not make this trade off, but some people very knowledgeable about security are very comfortable making information technology.

    The community

    If yous are even so unsure, enquire around -- the community is your anti-virus

    If you encounter an app y'all desire, but it seems to be asking for more permissions than it should, or its comments and ratings are mediocre, become ahead and enquire around well-nigh the app. You will often find dozens of people who know the answers and another whole bunch wishing to know the answers to the same questions. Good places to ask include Android enthusiast web sites and forums.

    I tin't stress this point enough. This is the best part about Android. The community is normally the first to identify any malware or unsafe programs, and is the best resource for finding quality apps.

    Beware the Sockpuppets, Shills, and Spammers

    However, similar annihilation, don't believe everything yous read. Someone who comes into a forum telling you an app is the "best" may be what'southward referred to as a sockpuppet or shill. I tend to be wary of people with depression mail service counts on forums, or who have unreasonably loftier praise for what seems to be a simple app, or anyone using the word "best" in a forced context.

    Now these people are not all bad, some may just be excited, or not speak English language as their showtime linguistic communication. But it's common for sockpuppets to use the term "all-time" to try and become better search rankings on Google. Saying things similar "Best Android App" or "Best GPS."

    Other tell-tale signs include when a spammer mentions software for iPhone or other platforms without whatever focus on Android in their post/comment. Another is when it seems like the mail is just out of context or overly general (recall about how horoscopes are made for everyone to chronicle to them). I oft get spam on my blog that says things like "best blog post! love your writing mode, you put things in perspective for me" which makes no sense when my blog was about my new app.

    This is a fine line and very much a grey expanse. Sometimes it tin can be very hard to tell if someone is a spammer. If you run into a post or comment in the Market place or on a forum that y'all doubtable is spam, study it to the website or Market, don't reply and commencement an argument.
    These tips also apply to the comments about apps. There are sometimes people who are paid to rate and comment nigh an app. The central to spotting this is again all nearly context. If an app has not been on the marketplace for very long and has thousands of great comments it should raise an eyebrow. If the comments are all general like "best app" that is another expert indicator. Once more information technology'due south hard to tell for sure, but you should always expect with a skeptical eye at comments. It'southward besides to be expected that the developer themselves (and maybe a handful of friends) would rate an app well, that'due south normal and not something to exist concerned about. Yet, when yous see an overwhelming number of questionable comments, you should tread carefully.

    Posting your own comments

    Afterwards y'all have downloaded an app you can mail your own comments. The annotate volition be visible to all other Android users only it volition only show your get-go name. To practise this go into the Marketplace and press [carte du jour] and then [downloads]. You lot should encounter v empty stars at the meridian which you can tap to charge per unit the app. Once yous take rated the app you should come across an option to add a comment nether the stars.

    Existence a good user

    While this guide is about security, I think it'southward important to bespeak out how to be a expert user too. Android is a customs and stems from open up source and will merely always be as good equally both its developers and its users.

    So, if an app is crashing on you, try emailing the developer before uninstalling and posting an angry annotate. Anything you lot mail in the marketplace will stay even if you take uninstalled the app, and yous could do serious damage to a programmer's reputation if you mail very negative comments.

    If you recollect the programmer just made a mistake, or didn't support your phone, work with them. If they are unhelpful, so yous tin can consider giving them a bad rating. This is specially truthful for free apps in the market place. Retrieve that you lot, as a user are not "entitled" to perfect gratis apps. Well-nigh developers do not have Google'due south engineering and QA team backing them up and even Google makes mistakes.

    And while it'southward frustrating when things don't work, imagine how frustrating it is when you put long hours into something but make a mistake -- and then considering of that fault you can never fix the damage done by a rude commenter.

    What does Google practice to protect us?

    Unfortunately at the moment, not a lot. They do police the market place to a minor extent and investigate any reports of malware. Still, on at to the lowest degree 2 occasions they identified several instances of malware (chosen DroidDream) and remotely uninstalled the applications from users' phones. The was also an instance of a phishing app that pretended to be from a item banking concern and was removed when discovered.

    Yet, the Market is non like the Apple App Shop or Amazon AppStore, there is no screening of applications earlier they are published. There are no callous procedures or lengthy approving processes that developers have to go through to publish applications. All that a developer needs to do is to 'digitally self sign' the application before posting it. This helps Google track whatever developers with ill intent, simply it's merely a fashion to manage malware after it is discovered.


    When yous install an application the Market volition tell you all of the permissions it needs to function. These are important to read as information technology tin can give you an idea if the awarding is asking for permission to do more than it needs. While some legitimate apps often ask for more permission than they need, it should at least raise an eyebrow when deciding if an application is safe and of proficient quality.

    Brand phone calls
    Services that cost yous money
    URI: android.permission.CALL_PHONE
    Risk: Loftier
    Protection level: Unsafe

    Official Description
    Allows an awarding to initiate a phone call without going through the Dialer user interface for the user to confirm the call being placed.

    This permission is of high importance. This could permit an application telephone call a 1-900 number and accuse you money. However, this is non as mutual a way to cheat people in today's world as it used to be. Legitimate applications that use this include: Google Voice and Google Maps.
    Some other important point to note here is that any app can launch the telephone screen and pre-fill a number for you. Even so, in club to brand the call, you would demand to press [Transport] or [Call] yourself. The difference with this permission is that an app could make the unabridged process automatic and hidden.

    Send SMS or MMS
    Services that cost you lot coin
    URI: android.permission.SEND_SMS
    Take a chance: Loftier
    Protection level: Unsafe

    Official Description
    Allows an application to send SMS messages.

    This permission is of loftier importance. This could allow an application send an SMS on your behalf, and much similar the telephone call permission, it could cost y'all money by sending SMS to for-pay numbers. Certain SMS numbers piece of work much like i-900 numbers and automatically accuse your phone company money when you ship them an SMS.

    Modify/delete SD carte contents
    Your personal information
    URI: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
    Take chances: MEDIUM
    Protection level: Dangerous

    Official Description
    Allows an application to write to external storage

    This permission is of loftier importance. This will let applications to read, write, and delete annihilation stored on your phone's SD card. This includes pictures, videos, mp3s, documents and even data written to your SD carte du jour by other applications. However, there are many legitimate uses for this permission. Many people desire their applications to store data on the SD card, and whatever awarding that stores information on the SD card will need this permission. You lot volition take to use your ain judgment and be cautious with this permission knowing it is very powerful but very, very unremarkably used by legitimate applications. Applications that typically need this permission include (but are not limited to) camera applications, audio/video applications, document applications

    Warning:Any app targeting Android 1.5 or beneath (peradventure ane.6 too) will exist granted this permission BY DEFAULT and you may not ever be warned about information technology. Information technology is important to pay attention to what version of Android an app is targeting to know if this permission is being granted. You can encounter this on the Market website in the right hand cavalcade.

    Read Contacts
    Development tools / Your personal info
    URI: android.permission.READ_CONTACTS
    Risk: MEDIUM-High
    Protection level: Unsafe

    Official Description
    Allows an application to read the user'due south contacts data.

    This permission is of loftier importance. Unless an app explicitly states a specific feature that it would apply your contact list for, in that location isn't much of a reason to give an awarding this permission. Legitimate exceptions include typing or note taking applications, quick-dial type applications and possibly social networking apps. Some might require your contact information to help make suggestions to you every bit yous type. Typical applications that require this permission include: social networking apps, typing/note taking apps, SMS replacement apps, contact direction apps.

    Write contact data
    Development tools / Your personal info
    URI: android.permission.WRITE_CONTACTS
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Description
    Allows an application to write (but not read) the user'south contacts data.

    This permission is of high importance. Unless an app explicitly states a specific feature that it would apply your contact list for, there isn't much of a reason to give an awarding this permission. Legitimate exceptions include typing or note taking applications, quick-dial type applications and possibly social networking apps. Some might crave your contact data to help make suggestions to you as you type. Typical applications that require this permission include: social networking apps, typing/note taking apps, SMS replacement apps, contact management apps.

    Read calendar data
    Development tools / Your personal info
    URI: android.permission.READ_CALENDAR
    Risk: MEDIUM
    Protection level: Unsafe

    Official Description
    Allows an application to read the user'south agenda data.

    This permission is of moderate to high importance. While most people would consider their agenda information slightly less important than their listing of contacts and friends, this permission should nevertheless exist treated with care when assuasive applications access. Additionally, information technology'southward expert to keep in mind that calendar events can, and often do contain contact data.

    Write calendar information
    Development tools / Your personal info
    URI: android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR
    Adventure: MEDIUM
    Protection level: Dangerous

    Official Clarification
    Allows an application to write (only not read) the user'south agenda data.

    This permission is of moderate to high importance. While most people would consider their calendar information slightly less important than their list of contacts and friends, this permission should nonetheless be treated with care when allowing applications access. Additionally, it's good to keep in mind that calendar events can, and oft exercise incorporate contact information.

    Read browser history & bookmarks
    Development tools / Your personal info
    Gamble: MEDIUM-HIGH
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Description
    Allows an awarding to read (but non write) the user's browsing history and bookmarks.

    This permission is of medium-high importance. Browsing habits are often tracked through regular computers, only with this permission you lot'd be giving admission to more than merely browsing habits. There are also legitimate uses for this permission such as apps that sync or backup your data, and peradventure certain social apps.

    Write browser history & bookmarks
    Development tools / Your personal info
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Description
    Allows an application to write (merely non read) the user's browsing history and bookmarks.

    This permission is of medium-loftier importance. Browsing habits are often tracked through regular computers, merely with this permission you'd be giving access to more than just browsing habits. At that place are too legitimate uses for this permission such as apps that sync or backup your data, and possibly certain social apps.

    Read sensitive logs
    Development tools / Your personal info
    URI: android.permission.READ_LOGS
    Risk: VERY-Loftier
    Protection level: Evolution

    Official Description
    Allows an application to read the low-level system log files.

    This permission is of loftier importance. This allows the application to read what whatever other applications take logged.

    (PERMISSIONS Connected IN NEXT Postal service)

    content last updated: Oct 23, 2012

    This guide by Lost Packet Software is licensed nether a Creative Eatables Attribution-No Derivative Works three.0 Usa License.

    1. Download the Forums for Android™ app!


  2. Alter global organization settings
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS
    Hazard: MEDIUM
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Description
    Allows an awarding to read or write the system settings

    This permission is pretty important merely only has the possibility of moderate impact. Global settings are pretty much annihilation you would discover under Android's master 'settings' window. However, a lot of these settings may be perfectly reasonable for an application to alter. Typical applications that utilise this include: book control widgets, notification widgets, settings widgets, Wi-Fi utilities, or GPS utilities. Most apps needing this permission will fall under the "widget" or "utility" categories/types.

    Read sync settings
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.READ_SYNC_SETTINGS
    Risk: Low-MODERATE
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Description
    Allows applications to read the sync settings

    This permission is of depression to medium importance. Information technology by and large allows the application to know if you have groundwork data sync (such as for Facebook or Gmail) turned on or off.

    Automatically start at kick
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Clarification
    Allows an application to receive the ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED that is broadcast afterward the system finishes booting.

    This permission is of low to moderate touch. It will permit an application to tell Android to run the application every fourth dimension you starting time your phone. While not a danger in and of itself, it can point to an applications intent

    Restart other applications
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.RESTART_PACKAGES
    Adventure: HIGH
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Description
    This constant is deprecated. The restartPackage(String) API is no longer supported.

    This permission is of low to moderate impact. Information technology volition permit an application to tell Android to 'kill' the process of another application. However, any app that is killed will likely get restarted by the Android Os itself.

    Retrieve running applications
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.GET_TASKS
    Risk: MEDIUM-Loftier
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Description
    Allows an application to get information about the currently or recently running tasks: a thumbnail representation of the tasks, what activities are running in it, etc.

    This permission is of moderate importance. It will permit an awarding to observe out what other applications are running on your telephone. While not a danger in and of itself, it would be a useful tool for someone trying to steal your information. Typical legitimate applications that require this permission include: task killers and battery history widgets. Other than that however, almost apps should not need this permission.

    Display arrangement-level alerts
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW
    Take a chance: HIGH
    Protection level: Unsafe

    Official Description
    Allows an application to open up windows using the type TYPE_SYSTEM_ALERT, shown on elevation of all other applications.

    This permission is of high importance. This permission allows an app to evidence a "popup" window to a higher place all other apps, fifty-fifty if the app is not in the foreground. A malicious programmer/advertiser could utilise information technology to evidence very obnoxious advertizement. About no apps should require this permission unless they are part of the Android operating system. An case of a system alert would exist the warning y'all are shown when your phone or tablet is out of battery and is nearly to close down.

    Control vibrator
    Development tools
    URI: android.permission.VIBRATE
    Risk: Low
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Description
    Allows admission to the vibrator

    This permission is of low importance. Every bit information technology states, information technology lets an app command the vibrate role on your phone. This includes for incoming calls and other events.

    Take pictures and videos
    Evolution tools
    URI: android.permission.CAMERA
    Protection level: Dangerous

    Official Description
    Required to be able to access the camera device.

    This permission is of moderate importance. As information technology states, it lets an app control the photographic camera function on your phone. In theory this could be used maliciously to snap unsuspecting photos, but it would exist unlikely and difficult to get a worthwhile flick or video. However, it is not impossible to make malicious utilise of cameras.

    Admission location actress commands
    Network Advice
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Description
    Allows an awarding to access extra location provider commands

    The specifics of the extra commands here are a bit unclear. However, the usage of this permission indicates that an app wants to know detailed information about your location, and answer accordingly. This is often used with advertising and location-based and social-network services like Iv Foursquare, Twitter, Facebook or Google Places/Google+. It is recommended that you lot treat this permission with the aforementioned caution equally the GPS location permission and presume the aforementioned implications to privacy utilise.

    Access mock location
    Network Communication
    URI: android.permission.ACCESS_MOCK_LOCATION
    Take chances: MODERATE
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Description
    Allows an application to create mock location providers for testing

    This is a permission used for evolution of apps that make use of location based services. By creating "mock" (false) locations, apps can test if their code works correctly depending on your location.This permission has no known sercurity considerations; Nor much apply in a app released to the public.

    Battery stats
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.BATTERY_STATS
    Take a chance: LOW
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Clarification
    Allows an awarding to collect battery statistics

    This permission is of little to no importance.

    Bluetooth Admin
    Your accounts
    URI: android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN
    Adventure: MEDIUM
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Description
    Allows applications to find and pair bluetooth devices

    Bluetooth (Wikipedia: is a technology that lets your phone communicate wirelessly over brusk distances. It is similar to Wi-Fi in many means. It itself is not a danger to your phone, but information technology does enable a manner for an awarding to send and receive data from other devices. Typical applications that would need bluetooth access include: sharing applications, file transfer apps, apps that connect to headset or wireless speakers.

    Broadcast Sticky (Intents)
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.BROADCAST_STICKY
    Risk: Depression-MEDIUM
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Description
    Allows an awarding to broadcast viscous intents. These are broadcasts whose information is held by the system after being finished, so that clients can quickly call back that data without having to wait for the next broadcast.

    The permission has to do with how applications "talk" to each other using a communication method called "Intents". While this permission is highly technical information technology is a relatively low importance. At that place are no know obvious malicious uses for this permission.

    Alter Configuration
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.CHANGE_CONFIGURATION
    Risk: MEDIUM-High
    Protection level: Dangerous

    Official Description
    Allows an application to modify the electric current configuration, such every bit locale.

    This is a permission that generally should not be granted to regular apps. Other than changing the locale (i.e. linguistic communication), information technology is unclear what configuration changes this permission allows. As such, it should be treated with considerable caution.

    Articulate app cache
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.CLEAR_APP_CACHE
    Gamble: LOW
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Description
    Allows an awarding to clear the caches of all installed applications on the device.

    This permission is of low importance. It allows an app to clear the enshroud of apps on the phone or tablet. The cache is a place that an app stores recently used data for faster admission. Immigration the cache can sometimes (very rarely) fix bugs related to those files. Clearing these files by and large presents no risk other than to slow the operation of the telephone or tablet (as apps will need to re-create the caches when used).

    Disable Keyguard (lock screen)
    (unknown category)
    URI: android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD
    Take a chance: MEDIUM-Loftier
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Description
    Allows applications to disable the keyguard

    This permission is of medium-high importance. It allows an app to disable the "lock screen" that near phones go into after going to slumber and been turned on once again. This lockscreen tin sometimes be a password screen, or a Pin screen, or just a "slide to unlock" screen.

    Expand status bar
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.EXPAND_STATUS_BAR
    Gamble: MEDIUM-High
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Description
    Allows an application to aggrandize or collapse the status bar.

    This appears to exist a system permission -- not for apply past regular applications. If y'all encounter this permission I would beware of whatsoever app requesting it that is not an Android system app.

    Development tools
    URI: android.permission.FLASHLIGHT
    Risk: LOW
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Description
    Allows access to the flashlight

    This allows apps to turn on or off the LED "flash" light used by the camera. This is a handy tool merely commonly of no risk itself.

    Get bundle size
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.GET_PACKAGE_SIZE
    Risk: Depression-MODERATE
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Description
    Allows an application to find out the space used by any package.

    This permission does non seem to have whatsoever chance associated with it.

    Kill background processes
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES
    Risk: HIGH
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Description
    Allows an application to call killBackgroundProcesses(Cord).

    This permission is a bit of a catchy one. Often this is used by what are called "task killers". These apps supposedly free system resources past closing apps running in the background. Withal the usefulness of such apps is minimal at best. They can help close an app that is misbehaving, withal a user tin already do that themselves through the Android settings under "Apps" or "Manage Applications". Conversely this permission has some potential to maliciously close anti-virus or other security related apps. As with anything I would treat this with caution. Few users should ever demand an app with this permission. Rather, it could be an indicator of malicious intent (especially if not requested by a chore killer or organisation performance tuning app).

    Modify audio settings
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS
    Risk: Low
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Clarification
    Allows an application to modify global audio settings

    This permission is of low importance. Audio settings pose fiddling to no risk to the device.

    Format file systems
    Your personal information
    URI: android.permission.MOUNT_FORMAT_FILESYSTEMS
    Risk: MEDIUM
    Protection level: Dangerous

    Official Description
    Allows formatting file systems for removable storage.

    The primary danger with this permission is that it could exist used to erase information from an SD menu or other similar storage in your telephone. This is besides not a permission any normal app should need.

    Mount / Unmount file systems
    Your personal information
    URI: android.permission.MOUNT_UNMOUNT_FILESYSTEMS
    Chance: MODERATE
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Description
    Allows mounting and unmounting file systems for removable storage.

    This permission just allows for connecting to SD cards for reading and writing. While not a adventure itself, this is likewise non a permission any normal app should need.

    NFC (Most Field Communication)
    Your accounts
    URI: android.permission.NFC
    Adventure: MEDIUM
    Protection level: Dangerous

    Official Description
    Allows applications to perform I/O operations over NFC

    NFC stands for Nigh Field Advice. This is a applied science like Bluetooth that enables short range advice between ii devices or the reading of NFC "tags". The altitude which NFC is able to work is only a few centimeters and so that devices (or a device and a tag) must effectively be touching each other to communicate. Due to the distance, this applied science is not particularly dangerous. However information technology does nowadays a small risk and it is something that should used with caution.

    For more than info:

    Process outgoing calls
    Your location
    URI: android.permission.PROCESS_OUTGOING_CALLS
    Risk: VERY-High
    Protection level: Unsafe

    Official Description
    Allows an awarding to monitor, change, or abort outgoing calls.

    This permission is of loftier importance. This would let an app to meet what numbers are called and other personal info. Generally this permission should only be seen on apps for VOIP (Voice Over Cyberspace Protocol) like Google Voice or dialer replacement blazon apps.

    Read sync stats
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.READ_SYNC_STATS
    Risk: MODERATE
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Description
    Allows applications to read the sync stats

    This permission is related to "Read sync settings" just not particularly dangerous itself. There is a minor chance that some personal data could be gleaned from the sync stats, just the data is unlikely to be valuble. Sync in this case relates to syncing of contacts and other types of media on the phone.

    Record audio
    Evolution tools
    URI: android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Description
    Allows an awarding to record audio

    While this permission is non typically dangerous, information technology is a potential tool for eavesdropping. Nonetheless recording audio has legitimate uses such every bit note taking apps or voice search apps. Equally a side note recording audio is typically a significant drain on the battery.

    Fix alarm
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.SET_ALARM
    Risk: Low
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Description
    Allows an application to broadcast an Intent to set an alarm for the user.

    This permission seems to be of low risk considering it doesnt permit the setting of the alert straight. Rather it allows the opening of the alarm app on the phone.

    Set up time zone
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.SET_TIME_ZONE
    Risk: Low
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Description
    Allows applications to set the organisation time zone

    This permission poses little, if any, take a chance

    Set wallpaper
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.SET_WALLPAPER
    Risk: Low
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Description
    Allows applications to set the wallpaper

    This permission poses footling, if any, risk

    Subscribed feeds read
    Development tools / Your personal info
    URI: android.permission.SUBSCRIBED_FEEDS_READ
    Risk: MEDIUM
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Clarification
    Allows an application to allow access the subscribed feeds ContentProvider.

    This would give an app admission to RSS feed that y'all have subscribed to. If you dont subscribe to whatever RSS feeds this permission is of little take a chance. If you lot do, this permission is alike to letting an app have admission to your broser history. It could glean interests and preferences and other semi-personal data.

    Subscribed feeds write
    Development tools / Your personal info
    URI: android.permission.SUBSCRIBED_FEEDS_WRITE
    Risk: Low-MEDIUM
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Description
    (No developer documentation is available for this permission)

    This would give an app admission to RSS feed that you have subscribed to. If y'all dont subscribe to whatever RSS feeds, this permission is of little gamble. If you do, this permission is akin to letting an app have admission to your broser history. It could glean interests and preferences and other semi-personal data.

    Use SIP
    Your accounts
    URI: android.permission.USE_SIP
    Protection level: Unsafe

    Official Description
    Allows an application to use SIP service

    SIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol. It is a engineering science more often than not used for making video and voice calls over the Net. While not a major security chance it should be treated with almost as much caution every bit the standard "make telephone calls" permission.

    Write secure settings
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS
    Risk: VERY-Loftier
    Protection level: DEVELOPMENT

    Official Clarification
    Allows an application to read or write the secure arrangement settings.

    This permission should but be seen on Android system apps (and perchance wireless carriers or hardware manufacturer pre-installed apps).

    Write SMS
    Services that cost you lot money
    URI: android.permission.WRITE_SMS
    Risk: HIGH
    Protection level: Unsafe

    Official Description
    Allows an awarding to write SMS messages.

    This permission appears to be an offshoot from the "send SMS" permission. This should let an app to write, but non send an SMS message. Users should still be cautious of this permission all the same. Many kinds of malware lure users into sending SMS to special for-pay numbers costing them money.

    Write sync settings
    Your letters
    URI: android.permission.WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS
    Risk: MEDIUM
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Clarification
    Allows applications to write the sync settings

    This permission relates to backup and sync of certain types of data like contacts. This allows an app to write settings for how that business relationship and the data are sync and backed up. This is a common permission for social services or contact managers or any other type of app with an account associated with it. Solitary, this permission doesn't allow an app access to contacts or other sensitive data. Rather, it simply relates to how that data is backed up. Nevertheless, care should be taken as always.

    Read profile
    Development tools / Your personal info
    URI: android.permission.READ_PROFILE
    Risk: MEDIUM-Loftier
    Protection level: Dangerous

    Official Clarification
    Allows an awarding to read the user's personal profile data.

    This a new permission that relates to a special new "Me" contact you can create in your telephone or tablet as your own profile.

    Install Shortcut (Android Launcher)
    Hardware controls
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    This is a custom permission for the default Android Laucher (the home screen). This permission would allow an app to put an icon or shortcut there. While not dangerous, this tin sometimes exist a sign of a potentially malicious or adware app. For more than on adware, see the guides section of PocketPermissions.

    Read external storage
    Your personal information
    URI: android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
    Take chances: Low
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Description
    Allows an application to read from external storage.

    This permission is granted to all apps by default.

    Read SMS
    Organization tools
    URI: android.permission.READ_SMS
    Take chances: MODERATE-Loftier
    Protection level: Dangerous

    This permission is mostly a privacy concern. Whatever app that tin read your SMS messages could gather a lot of information about you. However there are quite a few legitimate reasons an app may request this. Some apps are simply "SMS replacment" apps (such as Handcent) and would naturally need this permission to function. Other apps sometimes use this equally a way of sending a special code to you device. This can be used by a paid app by sending a lawmaking to unlock the total version of an app. Or, this can be used past security apps to listen for a special shutdown codes in case your telephone is stolen.

    Write phone call log
    Your location
    URI: android.permission.WRITE_CALL_LOG
    Take a chance: MEDIUM-HIGH
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    This permission is not much of a danger by itself, but rather could be used to hide other malicious behavoir. Even so it has a legitimate purpose for dialer replacements or voice over IP apps (like Google Voice).

    Write profile
    Evolution tools / Your personal info
    URI: android.permission.WRITE_PROFILE
    Risk: MODERATE-High
    Protection level: Dangerous

    This a new permission that relates to a special new "Me" contact you can create in your phone or tablet as your own profile.

    Read social stream
    Development tools / Your personal info
    URI: android.permission.READ_SOCIAL_STREAM
    Risk: Loftier
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    This permission is very of import. Information technology is a new permission introduced with Android 4.0 (Ice Foam Sandwhich). This permission would allow an app to read updates from social networking apps like Google+, Twitter, and Facebook. By granting this permission y'all are giving an app the ability to read not only your information, but whatsoever updates posted past people in your social circles.

    Add voicemail
    System tools
    Protection level: Dangerous

    This seems to be a new permission related to Android'south new centralized voicemail system. It would exist an unusual ways for an app to employ this permission maliciously. However few apps should need it and, equally always, it should be treated with caution.

    Cosign Accounts
    Your messages
    URI: android.permission.AUTHENTICATE_ACCOUNTS
    Run a risk: VERY-High
    Protection level: Unsafe

    This permission is of loftier importance. It allows an app to authenticate credentials (such every bit passwords). Typical uses of this would exist if an app had information technology's own type of account on your telephone such as Google, Facebook, or Twitter.This permission is closely related to the Business relationship Manager permission. Both are typically requested together.While this doesn't directly give an app access to your personal data or passwords, it does nowadays a security risk for phishing (tricking the user into revealing their password). For more on phishing, see the Guides section of PocketPermissions)

    Read electronic mail attachments
    Development tools / Your personal info
    URI: mail.permission.READ_ATTACHMENT
    Adventure: Loftier
    Protection level: Unsafe

    This is a custom permission for the default Android e-mail app (i.due east. not Gmail). This permission should be treated with bully caution. Many email attachments comprise highly sensitive and personal or financial information.

    Read user dictionary
    Evolution tools / Your personal info
    URI: android.permission.READ_USER_DICTIONARY
    Chance: LOW
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    Official Description
    Allows an application to read the user dictionary.

    This would permit an app to read words added to your custom lexicon. Oftentimes this is abbreviations like "brb" that you lot might add for typing text letters. Unless you lot save personal information in your dictionary, this permission is of well-nigh no risk.

    Write user dictionary
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.WRITE_USER_DICTIONARY
    Risk: LOW
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    Official Description
    Allows an awarding to write to the user dictionary.

    This alows an app to add custom words to your user lexicon. For example, the common acronym "brb" for "be right back".

    Receive SMS
    Arrangement tools
    URI: android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS
    Risk: Loftier
    Protection level: Dangerous

    Official Description
    Allows an application to monitor incoming SMS messages, to record or perform processing on them.

    This permission is mostly a privacy business. Any app that can read your SMS messages could gather a lot of information almost you lot. However there are quite a few legitimate reasons an app may request this. Some apps are simply "SMS replacment" apps (such equally Handcent) and would naturally demand this permission to office. Other apps sometimes utilize this as a way of sending a special code to you device. This can be used past a paid app by sending a code to unlock the full version of an app. Or, this can exist used by security apps to listen for a special shutdown codes in instance your telephone is stolen.

    Receive MMS
    System tools
    URI: android.permission.RECEIVE_MMS
    Hazard: HIGH
    Protection level: Dangerous

    Official Description
    Allows an application to monitor incoming MMS messages, to record or perform processing on them.

    This permission is mostly a privacy concern. Any app that can read your MMS messages could gather a lot of information about you. Nevertheless there are quite a few legitimate reasons an app may request this. Some apps are simply "SMS/MMS replacment" apps (such as Handcent) and would naturally need this permission to function.

    Install DRM
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.INSTALL_DRM
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    DRM stands for Digital rights management. Typically this permission is non particularly unsafe itself. However, it is a permission related to decision-making access to medi such equally books, audio video, and more than. Due to its purpose to control access, I would be especially careful installing any app requesting it.More than info:

    Add system service
    Hardware controls
    URI: android.permission.ADD_SYSTEM_SERVICE
    Chance: CRITICAL
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    This permission should merely exist given to Android System apps (and peradventure to wireless carrier or hardware manufacturer pre-installed apps)

    Admission WiMax State
    Your accounts
    URI: android.permission.ACCESS_WIMAX_STATE
    Risk: Low-MODERATE
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    WiMax is a engineering developed for "4G" data and internet speeds on mobile devices. This permission allows an app to see if it is currently connected to a wireless network that uses WiMax. There is no pregnant chance associated with this permission.

    Change WiMax state
    Your accounts
    URI: android.permission.CHANGE_WIMAX_STATE
    Risk: MODERATE
    Protection level: DANGEROUS

    This permission allows an app to plow on or off the WiMax radio. WiMax is a blazon of "4G" wireless connexion similar LTE. This permission essensially allows an app to turn on or off 4G.

    Read instant letters (IM)
    Development tools / Your personal info
    Run a risk: HIGH
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    This is apermission realated to reading instant messages, such as those on GooleTalk.

    (unknown grouping)
    Risk: Depression
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    C2D stands for Cloud to Device Messaging. This is a push button notification technology that is beingness phased out for a similar engineering called GCM. (Google Cloud Messaging). This permission is of trivial to no risk.

    In-app billing
    Services that cost y'all money
    Risk: Critical
    Protection level: UNKNOWN

    This permission is of very high importance. This allows an application to straight neb yous for services through Google Play. Users will be required to confirm any purchase fabricated however this is potentially costly. Users should beware of games and other gratuitous apps with in-app billing.

  3. This is very helpful! A nice addition to this might exist some kind of list explaining the different permissions apps may be requesting. I read those permissions merely since I am not a programmer or programmer, some of the requests could exist justified... like if I were downloading Checkers and information technology wanted permissions to my contact list... I would presume information technology was just a possible option to play confronting one of my friends!
  4. Thank you :) That'due south a proficient thought actually, I had originally planned to put in a listing like that simply wasn't actually sure where to observe skilful definitive information. I retrieve what I will do though is to put what i know in to start for at least some of the usually requested permissions and build on it as I discover more info about all of them.
  5. Wow, thanks! I practise think this is very informative! Definitely should be stickied.
  6. Cheers :) updated with some information about permissions -- any corrections and additions welcome!
  7. I clicked onto this thread only to find some blowhard grandstanding almost existence safe ... apathetic blah blah ... viruses .... blah blah apathetic ... protect yourself ... blah blah blah ... and so I woke up an hour later on with my confront smashed against my laptop screen. (Where'due south that "How to make clean drool of my laptop" thread again? Argh). :D

    Umm ... simply no, really. Bully mail alostbobsaget! I'm a huge fan! :cool:

    Ok. Fine! [​IMG]

    Neptik and Russell Ng similar this.
  8. lol joe ftw, you crack me upwardly bud :)
  9. nlsuelo13

  10. could someone please set up me straight on the charges for wave secure please. i keep reading "no it doesnt cost money in the us" then "yea information technology uses sms to connect to servers in singapore so you go charged sms charges" .... which ane is information technology!?
    ps not hijacking, wavesecure was in his sig :)

  11. You should mail service stuff related to WaveSecure specifically in some other thread, I just added it every bit a possible app people might want to wait into. Too I just checked my nib and and then no charges for the SMS it sent my when setting up.

    Update: removed the applications section as they were more related to backup and preventing loss of data if your phone was stolen and non related to app security itself.

    Also added calendar permission.

  12. daros

  13. Cheers for the support guys :) Whatsoever criticisms or corrections besides welcome.
  14. fullcity

    Agreed, this is gluey worthy!
  15. I wish this was stickied! I take been consulting this guide every time I go to install an app that isn't well-known just to encounter what all the permissions mean... this is a very helpful guide for anyone and should be hands found!
  16. Wow cool :) glad to know people are using it.
  17. cmerrtt

    This is fantastic advice and really spells it out for the all of u.s.a. that may non be upwards on the technical terminology.

    Thank you!

  18. Morning bump -- also thinking of adding a section on known offenders? Thoughts? Worried a bit about libel but perhaps I but need to discussion it correctly.
  19. DDG

  20. dennis-

    yea im new to android. im a techno geek so near of this stuff is common sense. but to noobs this is wonderful. theres alot of stuff in this wrtie up i was non aware of when it comes to the market and stuff. i accept yet to recive my telephone (come on ups human being lets get) only i like knowing what to spotter out for when i do become it and start going crazy in the marketplace.
  21. StephenM

    Swell advice for everyone here.

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